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Kidnapping or False Imprisonment

Kidnapping involves the confinement or removal of a person without his or her consent for an invalid purpose. These invalid purposes may include holding a person for ransom or reward for release, to facilitate the commission of a felony, to commit great bodily harm or terrorize a person or to force the person into involuntary servitude.

False imprisonment

Minnesota criminal law makes it a violation for anyone who lacks authority by law to intentionally confine or restrain a child who is not his own and is under the age of 18 without the consent of the parents or legal guardian.

Contact the criminal defense lawyers at Neff Law Firm, P.A., to get the aggressive representation you need in defense of a criminal charge. At your in-person consultation you can discuss the options in your case and how the firm will defend your rights. For an appointment with a Minnesota lawyer please call 952-831-6555.

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