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Bankruptcy 911 Minnesota

Minnesota Bankruptcy Lawyer

Emergency Foreclosure and Garnishment Assistance by an Experienced Edina Bankruptcy Attorney

There may be a desire to dial 911 for bankruptcy legal help when a debtor finds that he or she cannot stand financial pressures any longer. The debtor may wish to get help like they would if they dialed 911.

Emergency legal assistance for debt pressures may be available to qualified debtors who face urgencies such as foreclosure or garnishment.

In these types of special cases a qualified debtor, who meets all necessary criteria for emergency attention, may be able to get more expeditious assistance in addressing a debt problem. Many debtors, however, may not have a real emergency, but know that they cannot take the financial pressure any longer. They realize that they may not need emergency attention, but want to start the ball rolling to end the financial pressures.

Whether a debtor has a true emergency or just needs to start to address getting debt relief through bankruptcy, it is important to move forward to address the financial problems. Debt difficulties may not only be emotionally draining, but can be the cause of other legal problems. A debt problem that goes unattended can cause a financial downward spiral.

A debtor experiencing a downward financial spiral can start to address debt problems by exploring bankruptcy alternatives. To be able to get bankruptcy relief a debtor must be determined to be eligible for such relief under applicable federal bankruptcy law.

Eden Prairie Bankruptcy Lawyer Ready to Help You with the Bankruptcy Process

A debtor wanting to begin the process of exploring debt relief can start by contacting the Minnesota bankruptcy law firm of Neff Law Firm, P.A., with Twin Cities offices in Minnesota. A confidential meeting can be arranged for the debtor to meet with a Minnesota bankruptcy lawyer to do a bankruptcy evaluation including the Bankruptcy Means Test. At that time, there can be a discussion of appropriate potential legal avenues available to deal appropriately with the debtor's situation. This discussion can include bankruptcy alternatives and, where appropriate, emergency filings for relief.

Meeting a Minnesota Bankruptcy Attorney

Contact a Minneapolis bankruptcy Attorney at our Edina office or a St. Paul bankruptcy lawyer at the Roseville office of the Neff Law Firm, P.A., to discuss your specific situation and your options for debt relief by filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. Make a confidential appointment to meet in person with an experienced Minnesota bankruptcy attorney at either our Roseville (St. Paul) or Edina (Minneapolis) law office by calling our central scheduling telephone number of (952) 831-6555. We offer flexible appointment times for your convenience.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
This page does not constitute the giving of legal advice. It does not purport to include all information available on bankruptcy. The reader should not rely on this information. This information does not substitute for seeking advice and/or legal assistance.
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