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Minnesota Bankruptcy Lawyer

Serving people in Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, Washington and Wright Counties and elsewhere in Minnesota.

Consumers who have serious debt obligations often find that meeting with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer is helpful. Common concerns that prompt consumers to schedule a meeting are the threat of losing a home, repossession, garnishment, inability to meet regular cost of living expenses, crushing credit card debt, huge medical bills or a general inability to make necessary payments on debt. There may also be other issues that prompt the debtor to seek such a meeting. A consumer should expect to come to the meeting prepared to fully disclose not only relevant concerns but relevant financial information that needs to be considered in assessing the situation. Debtors often express that they appreciate having a chance to meet in person with a bankruptcy lawyer. This process of an “in person” meeting between the debtor and attorney allows for a chance for both people to engage in a free flow of communication and for the debtor to better understand a potential approach to debt relief.

Bankruptcy Conference between Debtor and Attorney

The debtor should expect to bring relevant information and documentation to an “in person” conference with an attorney. It is important for the debtor to ask in advance what information and documentation should be brought by them to the conference. It is useful for a debtor to bring to an initial meeting with the lawyer at a minimum the following:

  1. Records of all debts owed both secured and unsecured.
  2. List of all creditors, balances owed on debt and monthly bills.
  3. List of all sources of income.
  4. List of current monthly expenses.
  5. Copies of any law suits, judgments, foreclosures, garnishments, and repossession related papers.
  6. A list of all property owned by the debtor.
  7. Pay stubs for the last six months.
  8. Copies of tax returns for the last two years.

Topics to be Covered at a Conference with a Bankruptcy Lawyer

At an initial conference with an attorney the debtor may get basic bankruptcy information and explore potential options for debt relief. In order for an attorney to discuss available options, he or she will need to have a chance to evaluate relevant information about the debtor such as earnings, income from all sources, expenses, debts, balance on debts owed, monthly bills, significant creditor pressures, property owned and any legal proceedings that may be relevant to the financial situation of the debtor. At the meeting the debtor may discuss any assets that are causing significant financial problems and pressing liabilities. The debtor may discuss the availability of relief through bankruptcy in his or her particular situation. In discussing property the debtor may discuss available legal exemptions for property should bankruptcy be an available option. The debtor may also learn about bankruptcy procedures and what he or she could generally expect to do in preparing to file a bankruptcy. This discussion could include papers to be filed, the meeting with creditors, and the general process of bankruptcy.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
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